I have been so blessed to teach pop up classes when I am home in Amarillo. This week, November 8th and 10th I will be doing the following classes. . Each class is only $5 to drop in. Just message me at 806-341-8679 to let e know you are coming. These are held at my old studio location 6404 SW 33rd next to Ms. Piggies. Follow me on facebook where I post these regularly if in town.
Tuesday 8th
10am TRX & Cardio.
this includes NO impact cardio with toning and strengthening on the TRX. I modify for everyone so anyone can do this workout with me.
Tuesday 11am RESTORE mobility stretch. After having a hip issue, I have found this class to be the BEST way to have less pain and more mobility in my joints. Everyone loves this class as it is all done on the floor with a cushy mat. We do long easy stretches that ease tension in your neck, shoulders and hips. You leave feeling restored.
Thursday Nov. 10th
10am BALLENTONE- This is one of my favorite workouts I have not taught in years but has always been a favorite. Dont worry, we don't dance but do floorwork that tones and makes you feel like a dancer. Come try it!
Thursday 10th 11 am RESTORE stretch as above..
Yall know how much I love shakeology , well there is new limited flavor being launched called CARAMEL BROWNIE Thursday the 10th so be sure and grab you some ! Limited time offer .. Its like a healthy desert that is good for you and YUMMY!!
Heres the link to order https://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/us/shakeology/shakeology?referringRepId=94734
