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10 Delicious Veggie Recipes

Updated: Mar 9, 2020

You know you should be eating more vegetables, especially when weight loss and eating healthier is your goal, but what happens when you get stuck in a rut?

Problem solved! I have rounded you up 10 recipes – using a variety of veggies from cucumber and zucchini and bell peppers – that are full of flavor!

Each link has its own recipe with easy directions! ENJOY!

If you struggle with a healthy eating plan, I will be doing my bi annual 2b mindset group where we address emotional eating and how to work through those roadblocks to keep you on a healthy track. NUTRITION tab on our website

Happy to help you achieve your goals whether you need at home workouts, accountability, need help motivating your group or just a health coach/trainer . Contact me at or text 806-341-8671

My next healthy lifestyle makeover starts November 1st.Email me if you would like to be a part of that. It can be done anywhere! Friend request me on facebook so I can add you to our group. Suzi Mckee

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