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Age 43 Cortney inspires many!

Cortney McCarty is the bomb..

LiveWellFit and Suzi McKee have been an important part of Cortney’s life for the past seven years after a friend invited her to a LiveWellFit Boot Camp. As a result of working out at LiveWellFit, Cortney feels she is in the best shape of her life. According to Cortney, “Suzi has a way of motivating me to push myself further than I ever thought I could.”

Working out mid-morning is Cortney’s favorite because the ladies in those classes have “become like family.” It is this bond that keeps Cortney looking forward to her favorite classes like Cardio-Step as she loves to dance and it gives her a great workout and leaves her feeling wonderful. “LiveWellFit is a safe place to try classes that might be outside your comfort zone. There truly is something for everyone, “ says Cortney.

Reflecting back on when she first started LiveWellFit, Cortney shared that she was afraid that she would not be able to do the workouts as she was extremely out of shape. Suzi McKee was right there to modify and adjust the exercises so Cortney could be successful moving but also pushed her to work hard and improve. Now, she can do any Cardio or Metabolic class at LiveWellFit, which is definitely something she could not do when she started.

Seven years later, Cortney has this advice to offer someone new to the LiveWellFit Tribe. “Just start. Walk in the door and you will find a wonderful group of ladies who will share life with you and inspire you to be the best and healthiest version of yourself. The hardest part is just showing up.”

Cortney finds time to exercise while raising her three children between the ages of 9 and 15. She is 43 but she looks 30!! She loves to work out and especially enjoys cardio, but realizes it is a balance and gets her strength workouts as well. In her spare time, Cortney enjoys reading and going to the movies

In 2018, Cortney desires to increase her muscle mass, strength and flexibility. To achieve these goals, she is taking 2-3 strength classes every week and working on flexibility both at home and at LiveWellFit. Suzi has been encouraging Cortney to TEACH classes for years! this past month, Cortney taught her first Zumba class at LWF and rocked it! “ She is like my child”, says Suzi. She make me SO proud!


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LiveWellFit  Amarillo, Texas

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