60 is the new 40!
Featured Member: Valerie Kiper

Valerie is a 60-year-old grandmother of 2, has been married to the love of her life for 27 years and has 4 grown children. Valerie is a nurse and enjoys golfing.
It was a few close friends who told her about LiveWellFit and she says that she really enjoys the different types of classes and schedules available and especially loves seeing familiar faces when she comes to LiveWellFit and enjoys meeting new ladies. She comes to the 8:30 am classes or drops into the afternoon classes pending her busy schedule.
There really were NO fears about coming to LiveWellFit for the first time, but taking that first step and coming to the first class was so worth it for Valerie. According to Valerie, “The women in the class and the teacher were SO welcoming and positive that first class, and it made me want to come back to LiveWellFit.”
Valerie encourages new clients at LiveWellFit to “try different classes and don’t get stuck if you don’t like a particular class, just try another one until you find what you really enjoy. There is SUCH a variety of options!”
Consistency is Valerie’s goal this year. She plans to attend at least 4 classes each week.
When talking to Valerie about herself and asked what one unique thing about her that no one else might know and she said, “I obtained my doctoral degree at age 55!” Achieving such and incredible accomplishment is definitely something that makes Valerie proud. It’s never too late to reach for and achieve your goals and Valerie is proof.
Classes at LiveWellFit have helped to increase Valerie’s strength, stamina and energy which are all important to her, and she says that being able to lift heavier weights is something she can now do as a result of LiveWellFit classes.
Thank you Valerie for begin a part of LiveWellFit tribe!
We would love to have you be a part of the tribe. Join classes or train with one of our female personal trainers to get started to a new journey in your health. Classes can be purchased individually, per month, 3 or 6 months at a time. It totally up to you and your schedule.
You are invited and welcome!