Some women seem to have this impression that healthy, fit people do what they do because they have some special gene that enjoys sweat, pain, and exercising, sometimes to the point of exhaustion.
“I know you LOVE to do that but not me” women say, “I just don’t have that in me.”
The truth is women who live a healthy and fit lifestyle were rarely born into it. They learned to first try it ... one step at a time ... until gradually each “do” decision became more valuable than the decision “not to do”. The rewards for their small choices made it easier to make the next right choice. Thus, they feel better!
I have at least 4 conversations per day with women who want to start feeling better. Most have lost their energy and want to be able to take trips, be active with their grandkids, and carry their groceries from the car to the house easily.
My reminder is this:
1. They CAN make a change in their health!
2. I can help them but they need to make the small decisions and commit to doing those daily. I remind them that I make choices every day and don't enjoy pain... that exercise has been a stress RELEASE for me all my life, thus I teach and preach it! It can be for them as well.
3. Getting older doesn't mean you MUST go downhill. As a matter of fact studies show women can GAIN muscle throughout their lifetime! Being age 57, I can tell you that my goals now are much different than when I was 25. Back then I truly cared about whether my rear end was tight or if my arms jiggled. Now my goals are to toss that grandbaby in the air whenever he/she arrives, to grab those groceries from the car like a champ and have them put up without pulling a muscle, and go hiking with my hubby in the mountains and feel fantastic.
4. If your joints hurt, it's most likely from processed food, lack of water, and not moving daily. Do you know what processed food is? Or how much water you should drink daily? (Water... not tea, diet coke... good ole H2O.) There are decisions and changes you can make daily that will give you that extra energy! Maybe attend a nutrition class with us or be a part of our tribe where we share recipes, motivations, even pray for each other!

5. Exercise does not have to be torture, last an hour, involve impact, or feel intimidating. The reason I created LiveWellFit was to show women they can move at any age without having to HATE exercise. I wanted to provide an environment women can make new friends and finally find a place to exercise without feeling like they can't keep up, are too old, or don't know what they are doing. Throw on a t-shirt, some comfy shorts, sweatpants or leggings, grab those tennis shoes from your closet, and you are set!
These are some of the decisions you can make that will make the greatest changes.
The decision to go for a 30-minute evening walk, instead of watching a 30-minute TV show, can change how you feel about the whole evening.
The decision to choose a fresh spinach salad with chicken over pizza for lunch can give you energy to get more done in the afternoon.
The decision to make an appointment with yourself to make daily lists instead of reading facebook posts, again.
The decision to say " I will hike that mountain with my grand child next summer" so here we go.
The decision to schedule a time to come to classes or meet with one of the trainers here who KNOW what women feel like and experience.
YOU deserve to feel good. Make the decision to do that. You Are Worth it.