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Motivate Your Family

Updated: Feb 25, 2020

What better thing to do than be a role model to your family while the kids are home this summer! Moms are the best role models. By leading an active life, you inspire your children to do the same. Praise, rewards and encouragement will help kids stay active. Instead of the them playing games on their iPad or mom's phone, encourage these activities instead!

  • Encourage your kids to enjoy activities with the family or on their own

  • Walking

  • Playing chase

  • Dancing

  • Make time for activity

  • Try to find at least three 30-minute slots for physical activity each week

  • Pick two of those slots as family activity times

  • Put a two-hour limit on the time your kids spend in front of a screen

  • Watching TV

  • Playing video games

  • Using the computer

  • Infants and toddlers under 2 years old should not watch TV at all

  • Create opportunities for your kids to be active with other kids

  • This can help them build friendships that include active play or sports

  • Informal play promotes aerobic fitness, creativity and muscle and bone strength

  • Introduce your kids to a variety of activities.

  • Find recreational, team and individual sports they like

  • Help them try things that don't require fine athletic skills. Look for activities they can enjoy for life, such as jogging, bicycling, hiking, or swimming

  • Keep a family activity log on the refrigerator. This can encourage everyone to take part and keep up the good work.

Choosing activities

Come up with family activities that can be done no matter what the weather. These may include:

  • Indoor facilities for:

  • Stationary cycling

  • Trampoline

  • Swimming

  • Ice or roller skating

  • Rock climbing

  • Aerobic dance

  • Movements to stretch and strengthen

  • Stair climbing

  • Skipping rope

  • Mall walking

Tell your friends and family about your interest in physical activity. Ask them to support your efforts, and consider inviting them to exercise with your family.

Include activity in your family's social calendar. Celebrate birthdays, holidays or family gatherings with physical activities, such as hiking, volleyball, bicycling, skiing, or swimming.

Other ways to help increase family fitness levels include:

  • Taking family walks

  • Finding easy, low-cost recreation programs and sports leagues

  • Choosing fitness gifts like a jump rope, mini-trampoline, tennis racket, baseball bat or gym membership

  • Assigning chores that require physical effort

  • Biking, rather than driving, to libraries and stores

  • Supporting physical education and recess at school


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LiveWellFit  Amarillo, Texas

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