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Your Target Heart Rate

Updated: Mar 9, 2020

Women know they should exercise and maybe you are doing so daily. Fantastic!

But, how do you know if what you're doing is making a difference in your health and getting an adequate workout for your heart? Heart rate training!

So many women have Fitbits or other fitness/health trackers. You see your calories, steps and even how fast your heart is beating. But it's important to know how hard you should be working according to your age and fitness level. By knowing your TARGET HEART RATE.

How to find Resting Heart Rate:

Before you learn how to calculate those numbers, you should know your Resting Heart Rate. Your resting heart rate is how many beats per minute you can count when at rest; it's best to check in the morning right after waking up. Trace 2 fingers down your left jawbone about 2 inches from your ear. Press in under the jaw bone and feel your pulse. Count how many beats you get for 60 seconds.

Average RHR can be anywhere from 45-88 beats per minute or bpm.

THEN get your Maximum Heart Rate:

Subtract your age from the number 220

Example if you are 60 220-60 = 160

160 bpm would be your MHR.

When you exercise, your Target Heart Rate should be a steady pulse between 50-85% of your maximum.

Example 160 x. 5 = 80 160 x .85 = 136

Your THR would be between 80 and 136 bpm.

No worries if you hit that maximum number, you won't "blow up" but you do need to be aware that if your heart rate is that high for over 20 seconds, you want to bring the intensity down by slowing down your walking or activity pace.

The table below shows estimated target heart rates for different ages. In the age category closest to yours, read across to find your target heart rate. The figures are averages, so use them as general guidelines.

Age Target HR Zone 50-85% Average Maximum HR 100% 35 93-157 bpm 185 bpm 40 90-153 bpm 180 bpm 45 88-149 bpm 175 bpm 50 85-145 bpm 170 bpm 55 83-140 bpm 165 bpm 60 80-136 bpm 160 bpm 65 78-132 bpm 155 bpm 70 75-128 bpm 150 bpm


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