Core Strength is So needed for women. We focus on core strength in all of our classes using different exercises such as pilates and other stability equipment like bosus, TRX and active motion bars. But our favorite exercise YOU can do anywhere is a PLANK which is where we start our beginners.
We LOVE planks! We teach planks to our clients starting with modifications on the wall, then knees then the floor, side planks and one leg planks!
What is Core Strength?
Core strength refers to the strength of deep muscle groups in your abdomen, back, and glutes — the three muscle groups that are essential to supporting your spine and helping you maintain your balance. If what you do involves sitting for a large part of your day, strengthening these core muscles could be more important to your health than you think. Odds are, you aren’t sitting at your desk with perfect posture for hours on end, but strengthening your core could help support your spine and prevent the pain and poor posture that comes from sitting slumped over your desk all day long.
But what most people don’t know is that working your core means more than just your abdominal muscles, but also engaging your glutes and back muscles as well so that the work of supporting your spine is distributed throughout your body. This is especially important for anyone who is top-heavy and strains their back regularly. Fortunately, a full core workout can be much more physically engaging and mentally stimulating than sit-ups.
But why are planks so helpful?
Planks are an essential exercise in working your core. According to Dr. Jinger Gottschall, assistant professor of kinesiology at Penn State University,
“[planks] maintain the stability of the core muscles, which support proper posture by safeguarding an erect position and proper alignment of the spine” and allows for “more three-dimensional activation, from hip to shoulder, whereas the crunch is an isolated move that hits just your abs.”

Planks have many overall health benefits beyond toning your abs, they also help reduce back pain, improve your mood, and increase your flexibility. Because they engage several muscle groups simultaneously, planks can be a bit of a challenge at first but doing them daily will pay off in better posture, the ability to get up and down easier and of course feel more confident about the mid sections which is a trouble area for most of us women.
Remember that YOU are AMAZING and can do anything you set your mind to!